Data Table


Displaying All Columns in Query

<DataTable data={orders_summary}/>
ID Order Datetime Order Month First Name Last Name Email Address State Zipcode Item Category Sales Channel Channel Group Channel Month
1 2020-06-08 2020-06-01 Tracey Coppard 2 Mosinee Trail Minnesota 55.4k Model Racehorse Sinister Toys 12.3 Google Paid Paid Search Google Paid2020-06-01
2 2019-12-11 2019-12-01 Noland Kupka 840 Cordelia Crossing Texas 77.2k Microscope Odd Equipment 129.6 Tiktok Ads Social Tiktok Ads2019-12-01
3 2020-12-25 2020-12-01 Skell Wedge 058 Moulton Trail Florida 32.2k Baseball Card Sinister Toys 3.0 Referral Referral Referral2020-12-01
4 2021-04-27 2021-04-01 Bordie Hallworth 66054 Mosinee Circle Georgia 30.2k Mystic Pendant Mysterious Apparel 8.0 Google Paid Paid Search Google Paid2021-04-01
5 2020-03-19 2020-03-01 Harlen Hughesdon 1 Northfield Junction California 92.8k Running Shoes Cursed Sporting Goods 55.0 Facebook Ads Social Facebook Ads2020-03-01
6 2021-01-04 2021-01-01 Minne Dablin 6191 Dryden Alley New York 11.4k Model Racehorse Sinister Toys 13.0 Google Organic Organic Search Google Organic2021-01-01
7 2019-07-08 2019-07-01 Guido Delgardillo 82 Vera Place Tennessee 37.9k Fishing Rod Cursed Sporting Goods 89.0 Google Organic Organic Search Google Organic2019-07-01
8 2021-09-19 2021-09-01 Floyd Greensides 292 Gina Center Illinois 60.5k Mystic Pendant Mysterious Apparel 8.0 Google Paid Paid Search Google Paid2021-09-01
9 2019-11-29 2019-11-01 Judas Grigorkin 808 Armistice Drive New Hampshire 0.2k Fishing Rod Cursed Sporting Goods 89.0 Facebook Ads Social Facebook Ads2019-11-01
10 2019-12-11 2019-12-01 Nona Manhare 89010 American Ash Trail California 94.2k Lamp Odd Equipment 34.0 Google Paid Paid Search Google Paid2019-12-01
No Results

Selecting Specific Columns

<DataTable data={orders_summary}> 
    <Column id=state title="Sales State"/> 
	<Column id=item/> 
	<Column id=category/> 
	<Column id=sales fmt=usd/> 
	<Column id=channel/> 
Sales State Item Category Sales Channel
Minnesota Model Racehorse Sinister Toys $12.35 Google Paid
Texas Microscope Odd Equipment $129.60 Tiktok Ads
Florida Baseball Card Sinister Toys $3.00 Referral
Georgia Mystic Pendant Mysterious Apparel $8.00 Google Paid
California Running Shoes Cursed Sporting Goods $55.00 Facebook Ads
New York Model Racehorse Sinister Toys $13.00 Google Organic
Tennessee Fishing Rod Cursed Sporting Goods $89.00 Google Organic
Illinois Mystic Pendant Mysterious Apparel $8.00 Google Paid
New Hampshire Fishing Rod Cursed Sporting Goods $89.00 Facebook Ads
California Lamp Odd Equipment $34.00 Google Paid
No Results

Custom Column Formatting

You can use the fmt prop to format your columns using built-in format names or Excel format codes

<DataTable data={country_summary}>
	<Column id=country />
	<Column id=category />
	<Column id=value_usd fmt=eur/>
    <Column id=yoy title="Y/Y Growth" fmt=pct3/>
Country Category Value Usd Y/Y Growth
Austria B €87 2.340%
Zimbabwe A €100 1.100%
Yemen B €67 2.940%
Vietnam A €101 2.340%
Ukraine C €168 2.940%
Thailand C €248 2.540%
Sweden B €190 -5.540%
Romania A €190 1.340%
Qatar C €113 5.540%
Philippines D €59 8.280%
No Results

Formatting Driven by Another Column

This example includes a custom_format column, which contains a different currency format code for many of the rows.

<DataTable data={country_summary_fmts}>
	<Column id=country />
	<Column id=category />
	<Column id=value_usd fmtColumn=custom_format/>
    <Column id=yoy title="Y/Y Growth" fmt=pct3/>
Country Category Value Usd Y/Y Growth
Austria B €87 2.3%
Zimbabwe A $100 1.1%
Yemen B $67 2.9%
Vietnam A ₫101 2.3%
Ukraine C €168 2.9%
Thailand C $248 2.5%
Sweden B kr190 -5.5%
Romania A $190 1.3%
Qatar C $113 5.5%
Philippines D $59 8.3%
No Results
<DataTable data={orders_summary} search=true/>
ID Order Datetime Order Month First Name Last Name Email Address State Zipcode Item Category Sales Channel Channel Group Channel Month
1 2020-06-08 2020-06-01 Tracey Coppard 2 Mosinee Trail Minnesota 55.4k Model Racehorse Sinister Toys 12.3 Google Paid Paid Search Google Paid2020-06-01
2 2019-12-11 2019-12-01 Noland Kupka 840 Cordelia Crossing Texas 77.2k Microscope Odd Equipment 129.6 Tiktok Ads Social Tiktok Ads2019-12-01
3 2020-12-25 2020-12-01 Skell Wedge 058 Moulton Trail Florida 32.2k Baseball Card Sinister Toys 3.0 Referral Referral Referral2020-12-01
4 2021-04-27 2021-04-01 Bordie Hallworth 66054 Mosinee Circle Georgia 30.2k Mystic Pendant Mysterious Apparel 8.0 Google Paid Paid Search Google Paid2021-04-01
5 2020-03-19 2020-03-01 Harlen Hughesdon 1 Northfield Junction California 92.8k Running Shoes Cursed Sporting Goods 55.0 Facebook Ads Social Facebook Ads2020-03-01
6 2021-01-04 2021-01-01 Minne Dablin 6191 Dryden Alley New York 11.4k Model Racehorse Sinister Toys 13.0 Google Organic Organic Search Google Organic2021-01-01
7 2019-07-08 2019-07-01 Guido Delgardillo 82 Vera Place Tennessee 37.9k Fishing Rod Cursed Sporting Goods 89.0 Google Organic Organic Search Google Organic2019-07-01
8 2021-09-19 2021-09-01 Floyd Greensides 292 Gina Center Illinois 60.5k Mystic Pendant Mysterious Apparel 8.0 Google Paid Paid Search Google Paid2021-09-01
9 2019-11-29 2019-11-01 Judas Grigorkin 808 Armistice Drive New Hampshire 0.2k Fishing Rod Cursed Sporting Goods 89.0 Facebook Ads Social Facebook Ads2019-11-01
10 2019-12-11 2019-12-01 Nona Manhare 89010 American Ash Trail California 94.2k Lamp Odd Equipment 34.0 Google Paid Paid Search Google Paid2019-12-01
No Results


<DataTable data={country_summary}>
	<Column id=country />
	<Column id=category />
	<Column id=value_usd />
    <Column id=yoy contentType=delta fmt=pct title="Y/Y Chg"/>
Country Category Value Usd Y/Y Chg
Austria B $87 2.34%
Zimbabwe A $100 1.10%
Yemen B $67 2.94%
Vietnam A $101 2.34%
Ukraine C $168 2.94%
Thailand C $248 2.54%
Sweden B $190 -5.54%
Romania A $190 1.34%
Qatar C $113 5.54%
Philippines D $59 8.28%
No Results

Total Row

Default total aggregation is sum

<DataTable data={country_example} totalRow=true rows=5>
  <Column id=country/>
  <Column id=gdp_usd/>
  <Column id=gdp_growth fmt='pct2'/>
  <Column id=population fmt='#,##0"M"'/>
Country GDP Usd GDP Growth Population
United States $22,996 1.70% 332M
Brazil $1,609 3.20% 213M
Russia $1,776 -4.00% 146M
South Korea $1,799 2.90% 52M
Canada $1,991 2.90% 38M
- $30,171 6.70% 781M
No Results

Using Built-in Aggregation Functions

<DataTable data={country_example} totalRow=true rows=5>
  <Column id=country/>
  <Column id=gdp_usd totalAgg=sum/>
  <Column id=gdp_growth totalAgg=weightedMean weightCol=gdp_usd fmt='pct2'/>
  <Column id=population totalAgg=mean fmt='#,##0"M"'/>
Country GDP Usd GDP Growth Population
United States $22,996 1.70% 332M
Brazil $1,609 3.20% 213M
Russia $1,776 -4.00% 146M
South Korea $1,799 2.90% 52M
Canada $1,991 2.90% 38M
- $30,171 1.60% 156M
No Results

Custom Aggregations Values

<DataTable data={countries} totalRow=true rows=5>
  <Column id=country totalAgg="Just the USA"/>
  <Column id=gdp_usd totalAgg={countries[0].gdp_usd} totalFmt=usd/>
Country GDP Usd
United States $22,996
Brazil $1,609
Russia $1,776
South Korea $1,799
Canada $1,991
Just the USA $22,996
No Results

Custom Total Formats

<DataTable data={countries} totalRow=true rows=5>
  <Column id=country totalAgg="All Countries"/>
  <Column id=continent totalAgg=countDistinct totalFmt='# "Unique continents"'/>
  <Column id=gdp_usd totalAgg=sum fmt='$#,##0"B"' totalFmt='$#,##0.0,"T"'/>
  <Column id=gdp_growth totalAgg=mean fmt='pct2' totalFmt='pct1'/>
  <Column id=interest_rate totalAgg=mean fmt='pct2' totalFmt='pct1'/>
  <Column id=inflation_rate totalAgg=mean fmt='pct2' totalFmt='pct1'/>
  <Column id=jobless_rate totalAgg=mean fmt='pct0'/>
  <Column id=gov_budget totalAgg=mean fmt='0.0"%"'/>
  <Column id=debt_to_gdp totalAgg=mean fmt='0"%"'/>
  <Column id=current_account totalAgg=mean fmt='0.0"%"'/>
  <Column id=population totalAgg=sum fmt='#,##0"M"'/>
Country Continent GDP Usd GDP Growth Interest Rate Inflation Rate Jobless Rate Gov Budget Debt To GDP Current Account Population
United States North America $22,996B 1.70% 2.50% 8.50% 4% -16.7% 137% -3.6% 332M
Brazil South America $1,609B 3.20% 13.75% 10.07% 9% -4.5% 80% -1.8% 213M
Russia Europe $1,776B -4.00% 8.00% 15.10% 4% 0.8% 18% 6.8% 146M
South Korea Asia $1,799B 2.90% 2.50% 5.70% 3% -6.1% 43% 3.5% 52M
Canada North America $1,991B 2.90% 2.50% 7.60% 5% -4.7% 118% 0.1% 38M
All Countries 4 Unique continents $30.2T 1.3% 5.9% 9.4% 5% -6.2% 79% 1.0% 781M
No Results

Conditional Formatting

Default (scaleColor=green)

<DataTable data={countries}>
    <Column id=country />
    <Column id=country_id align=center/>
    <Column id=category align=center/>
    <Column id=value_usd contentType=colorscale/>
Country Country ID Category Value Usd
Austria 100384 B $87
Zimbabwe 100337 A $100
Yemen 100774 B $67
Vietnam 104948 A $101
Ukraine 101938 C $168
Thailand 104837 C $248
Sweden 101847 B $190
Romania 101384 A $190
Qatar 100181 C $113
Philippines 104128 D $59
No Results


<DataTable data={countries}>
    <Column id=country />
    <Column id=country_id align=center/>
    <Column id=category align=center/>
    <Column id=value_usd contentType=colorscale scaleColor=red/>
Country Country ID Category Value Usd
Austria 100384 B $87
Zimbabwe 100337 A $100
Yemen 100774 B $67
Vietnam 104948 A $101
Ukraine 101938 C $168
Thailand 104837 C $248
Sweden 101847 B $190
Romania 101384 A $190
Qatar 100181 C $113
Philippines 104128 D $59
No Results


<DataTable data={countries}>
    <Column id=country />
    <Column id=country_id align=center/>
    <Column id=category align=center/>
    <Column id=value_usd contentType=colorscale scaleColor=blue/>
Country Country ID Category Value Usd
Austria 100384 B $87
Zimbabwe 100337 A $100
Yemen 100774 B $67
Vietnam 104948 A $101
Ukraine 101938 C $168
Thailand 104837 C $248
Sweden 101847 B $190
Romania 101384 A $190
Qatar 100181 C $113
Philippines 104128 D $59
No Results

Custom Colors

When you pass a custom color to scaleColor, Evidence will create a color palette for you, starting at white and ending at the color you provided. See examples further down the page to see how to specify a custom color palette with multiple colors.

<DataTable data={orders_by_category} rowNumbers=true>
  <Column id=month/>
  <Column id=category/>
  <Column id=sales_usd0k contentType=colorscale scaleColor=#a85ab8 align=center/>
  <Column id=num_orders_num0 contentType=colorscale scaleColor=#e3af05 align=center/>
  <Column id=aov_usd2 contentType=colorscale scaleColor=#c43957 align=center/>
Month Category Sales Usd0k Num Orders Num0 Aov Usd2
1 2020-06-01 Sinister Toys $0k 62 $6.80
2 2019-12-01 Odd Equipment $4k 61 $66.49
3 2020-12-01 Sinister Toys $1k 74 $7.40
4 2021-04-01 Mysterious Apparel $2k 90 $16.67
5 2020-03-01 Cursed Sporting Goods $3k 56 $59.19
6 2021-01-01 Sinister Toys $1k 79 $6.81
7 2019-07-01 Cursed Sporting Goods $3k 46 $61.32
8 2021-09-01 Mysterious Apparel $2k 94 $18.49
9 2019-11-01 Cursed Sporting Goods $3k 49 $56.43
10 2019-02-01 Cursed Sporting Goods $2k 40 $57.62
No Results

Custom Color Palettes

Diverging Scale

<DataTable data={numbers}>
  <Column id=name/>
  <Column id=number contentType=colorscale scaleColor={['#6db678','white','#ce5050']}/>
Name Number
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
F 6
G 7
H 8
I 9
J 10
No Results


<DataTable data={numbers}>
  <Column id=name/>
  <Column id=number contentType=colorscale scaleColor={['#6db678','#ebbb38','#ce5050']}/>
Name Number
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
F 6
G 7
H 8
I 9
J 10
No Results

Color Breakpoints

Use colorBreakpoints or colorMid/colorMin/colorMax to control which values are assigned to which sections of the color scale

<DataTable data={negatives} rows=all>
  <Column id=name/>
  <Column id=number contentType=colorscale scaleColor={['#ce5050','white','#6db678']} colorMid=0/>
Name Number
A -5
B -4
C -3
D -2
E -1
F 0
G 1
H 2
I 3
J 4
No Results

Create Scale from Another Column

The number column in this example has a color scale defined by the scale_defining_number column, rather than by its own values.

<DataTable data={numbers_othercol}>
  <Column id=name/>
  <Column id=scale_defining_number fontColor={['green','red']}/>
  <Column id=number contentType=colorscale scaleColor={['#6db678','white','#ce5050']} scaleColumn=scale_defining_number fmtCol=fmt/>
Name Scale Defining Number Number
A 2 1
B 10 2
C 30 3
D 20 4
E 10 5
F 5 6
G 1 7
H 44 8
I 4 9
J 55 10
No Results

Red Negatives

<DataTable data={negatives}>
  <Column id=name/>
  <Column id=number redNegatives=true/>
Name Number
A -5
B -4
C -3
D -2
E -1
F 0
G 1
H 2
I 3
J 4
No Results

Including Images

You can include images by indicating either an absolute path e.g. or a relative path e.g. /images/image.png. For relative paths, see storing static files in a static folder.

In this example, flag is either an absolute path or a relative path to the image.

<DataTable data={countries}>
	<Column id=flag contentType=image height=30px align=center />
	<Column id=country />
	<Column id=country_id align=center />
	<Column id=category />
	<Column id=value_usd />
Flag Country Country ID Category Value Usd
AT Austria 100384 B $87
ZW Zimbabwe 100337 A $100
YE Yemen 100774 B $67
VN Vietnam 104948 A $101
UA Ukraine 101938 C $168
TH Thailand 104837 C $248
SE Sweden 101847 B $190
RO Romania 101384 A $190
QA Qatar 100181 C $113
PH Philippines 104128 D $59
No Results
<DataTable data={countries}>
	<Column id=country_url contentType=link linkLabel=country />
	<Column id=country_id align=center />
	<Column id=category />
	<Column id=value_usd />
Country Url Country ID Category Value Usd
Austria 100384 B $87
Zimbabwe 100337 A $100
Yemen 100774 B $67
Vietnam 104948 A $101
Ukraine 101938 C $168
Thailand 104837 C $248
Sweden 101847 B $190
Romania 101384 A $190
Qatar 100181 C $113
Philippines 104128 D $59
No Results
<DataTable data={countries}>
	<Column id=country />
	<Column id=country_id align=center />
	<Column id=category />
	<Column id=value_usd />
	<Column id=country_url contentType=link linkLabel="Details →" />
Country Country ID Category Value Usd Country Url
Austria 100384 B $87 Details →
Zimbabwe 100337 A $100 Details →
Yemen 100774 B $67 Details →
Vietnam 104948 A $101 Details →
Ukraine 101938 C $168 Details →
Thailand 104837 C $248 Details →
Sweden 101847 B $190 Details →
Romania 101384 A $190 Details →
Qatar 100181 C $113 Details →
Philippines 104128 D $59 Details →
No Results

HTML Content

```sql html_in_table
select '<b>Bold</b> text' as "HTML in Table", 0 as row_number union all
select '<i>Italic</i> text', 1 union all
select '<a href="">Link</a>', 2 union all
select '<img src="" width="200px"/>', 3 union all
select 'Inline <code class=markdown>Code</code></br> is supported', 4
order by row_number

<DataTable data={html_in_table}>
    <Column id="HTML in Table" contentType=html/>
Html in Table
Bold text
Italic text
Inline Code
is supported
No Results

To apply styling to most HTML tags, you should add the class=markdown attribute to the tag in your column. This will apply the same styling as the markdown renderer.

This example includes a column country_url which contains a country name as a search term in Google (e.g.,

<DataTable data={countries} search=true link=country_url>
	<Column id=country />
	<Column id=country_id align=center />
	<Column id=category />
	<Column id=value_usd />

Click on a row to navigate using the row link:

Country Country ID Category Value Usd
No Results

In this example, the SQL query contains a column with links to parameterized pages in the project. Below is an example of the SQL that could be used to generate such links:

    '/parameterized-pages/' || category as category_link,
    sum(sales) as sales_usd0
from needful_things.orders
group by 1

You can then use the link property of the DataTable to use your link column as a row link (category_link in this example):

<DataTable data={orders} link=category_link />

By default, the link column of your table is hidden. If you would like it to be displayed in the table, you can use showLinkCol=true.


Row Shading + Row Lines

<DataTable data={countries} rowShading=true />
Country Continent GDP Usd GDP Growth Interest Rate Inflation Rate Jobless Rate Gov Budget Debt To GDP Current Account Population
United States North America $22,996 0.0170 0.0250 0.0850 0.0370 -17 137.2 -3.60 332
Brazil South America $1,609 0.0320 0.1375 0.1007 0.0910 -5 80.3 -1.80 213
Russia Europe $1,776 -0.0400 0.0800 0.1510 0.0390 1 18.2 6.80 146
South Korea Asia $1,799 0.0290 0.0250 0.0570 0.0290 -6 42.6 3.50 52
Canada North America $1,991 0.0290 0.0250 0.0760 0.0490 -5 117.8 0.10 38
Italy Europe $2,100 0.0470 0.0050 0.0840 0.0790 -7 150.8 2.50 59
France Europe $2,937 0.0420 0.0050 0.0580 0.0740 -7 112.9 0.40 68
India Asia $3,173 0.1350 0.0540 0.0671 0.0780 -9 74.0 -1.70 1,380
United Kingdom Europe $3,187 0.0290 0.0175 0.1010 0.0380 -6 95.9 -2.60 68
Germany Europe $4,223 0.0170 0.0050 0.0790 0.0550 -4 69.3 7.40 83
No Results

Row Shading + No Row Lines

<DataTable data={countries} rowShading=true rowLines=false />
Country Continent GDP Usd GDP Growth Interest Rate Inflation Rate Jobless Rate Gov Budget Debt To GDP Current Account Population
United States North America $22,996 0.0170 0.0250 0.0850 0.0370 -17 137.2 -3.60 332
Brazil South America $1,609 0.0320 0.1375 0.1007 0.0910 -5 80.3 -1.80 213
Russia Europe $1,776 -0.0400 0.0800 0.1510 0.0390 1 18.2 6.80 146
South Korea Asia $1,799 0.0290 0.0250 0.0570 0.0290 -6 42.6 3.50 52
Canada North America $1,991 0.0290 0.0250 0.0760 0.0490 -5 117.8 0.10 38
Italy Europe $2,100 0.0470 0.0050 0.0840 0.0790 -7 150.8 2.50 59
France Europe $2,937 0.0420 0.0050 0.0580 0.0740 -7 112.9 0.40 68
India Asia $3,173 0.1350 0.0540 0.0671 0.0780 -9 74.0 -1.70 1,380
United Kingdom Europe $3,187 0.0290 0.0175 0.1010 0.0380 -6 95.9 -2.60 68
Germany Europe $4,223 0.0170 0.0050 0.0790 0.0550 -4 69.3 7.40 83
No Results

No Lines or Shading

<DataTable data={countries} rowLines=false />
Country Continent GDP Usd GDP Growth Interest Rate Inflation Rate Jobless Rate Gov Budget Debt To GDP Current Account Population
United States North America $22,996 0.0170 0.0250 0.0850 0.0370 -17 137.2 -3.60 332
Brazil South America $1,609 0.0320 0.1375 0.1007 0.0910 -5 80.3 -1.80 213
Russia Europe $1,776 -0.0400 0.0800 0.1510 0.0390 1 18.2 6.80 146
South Korea Asia $1,799 0.0290 0.0250 0.0570 0.0290 -6 42.6 3.50 52
Canada North America $1,991 0.0290 0.0250 0.0760 0.0490 -5 117.8 0.10 38
Italy Europe $2,100 0.0470 0.0050 0.0840 0.0790 -7 150.8 2.50 59
France Europe $2,937 0.0420 0.0050 0.0580 0.0740 -7 112.9 0.40 68
India Asia $3,173 0.1350 0.0540 0.0671 0.0780 -9 74.0 -1.70 1,380
United Kingdom Europe $3,187 0.0290 0.0175 0.1010 0.0380 -6 95.9 -2.60 68
Germany Europe $4,223 0.0170 0.0050 0.0790 0.0550 -4 69.3 7.40 83
No Results

Column Alignment

<DataTable data={country_summary}>
	<Column id=country align=right />
	<Column id=country_id align=center />
	<Column id=category align=left />
	<Column id=value_usd align=left />
Country Country ID Category Value Usd
Austria 100384 B $87
Zimbabwe 100337 A $100
Yemen 100774 B $67
Vietnam 104948 A $101
Ukraine 101938 C $168
Thailand 104837 C $248
Sweden 101847 B $190
Romania 101384 A $190
Qatar 100181 C $113
Philippines 104128 D $59
No Results

Custom Column Titles

<DataTable data={country_summary}>
	<Column id=country title="Country Name" />
	<Column id=country_id align=center title="ID" />
	<Column id=category align=center title="Product Category" />
	<Column id=value_usd title="Sales in 2022" />
Country Name ID Product Category Sales in 2022
Austria 100384 B $87
Zimbabwe 100337 A $100
Yemen 100774 B $67
Vietnam 104948 A $101
Ukraine 101938 C $168
Thailand 104837 C $248
Sweden 101847 B $190
Romania 101384 A $190
Qatar 100181 C $113
Philippines 104128 D $59
No Results

Raw Column Names

<DataTable data={country_summary} formatColumnTitles=false />
date value_usd yoy country category country_id country_code flag country_url
2020-04-30 $87 0.0234 Austria B 100384 AT
2020-05-26 $100 0.0110 Zimbabwe A 100337 ZW
2020-05-25 $67 0.0294 Yemen B 100774 YE
2020-05-24 $101 0.0234 Vietnam A 104948 VN
2020-05-23 $168 0.0294 Ukraine C 101938 UA
2020-05-22 $248 0.0254 Thailand C 104837 TH
2020-05-21 $190 -0.0554 Sweden B 101847 SE
2020-05-20 $190 0.0134 Romania A 101384 RO ! startups
2020-05-19 $113 0.0554 Qatar C 100181 QA
2020-05-18 $59 0.0828 Philippines D 104128 PH
No Results

Groups - Accordion

Without subtotals

<DataTable data={orders} groupBy=state>
 	<Column id=state/> 
	<Column id=category totalAgg=""/> 
	<Column id=item totalAgg=""/> 
	<Column id=orders/> 
	<Column id=sales fmt=usd/> 
	<Column id=growth fmt=pct1/> 
State Category Item Orders Sales Growth
Arkansas Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 6 $77 8.2%
California Cursed Sporting Goods Running Shoes 105 $5,687 7.7%
California Odd Equipment Lamp 175 $5,853 0.7%
California Mysterious Apparel Vintage Jacket 93 $3,126 1.7%
District of Columbia
District of Columbia Odd Equipment Lamp 55 $1,810 2.7%
Florida Sinister Toys Baseball Card 98 $288 7.3%
Georgia Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 28 $220 -3.7%
Georgia Cursed Sporting Goods Boxing Gloves 15 $314 -7.3%
Illinois Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 26 $207 -8.4%
Indiana Odd Equipment Lamp 32 $1,051 9.8%
Kansas Odd Equipment Lamp 24 $799 -4.8%
Louisiana Mysterious Apparel Necklace 13 $166 2.4%
Minnesota Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 25 $317 2.2%
Missouri Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 30 $236 0.2%
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Cursed Sporting Goods Fishing Rod 2 $178 -3.7%
New York
New York Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 57 $718 -4.2%
North Carolina
North Carolina Odd Equipment Lamp 26 $869 9.9%
Ohio Mysterious Apparel Vintage Jacket 24 $809 9.3%
Pennsylvania Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 39 $308 9.3%
Pennsylvania Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 28 $363 -6.2%
Tennessee Cursed Sporting Goods Fishing Rod 20 $1,753 8.6%
Tennessee Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 22 $172 0.1%
Texas Odd Equipment Microscope 53 $7,495 5.7%
Texas Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 104 $1,313 6.2%
West Virginia
West Virginia Sinister Toys Baseball Card 15 $45 -4.0%
No Results

With Subtotals

<DataTable data={orders} groupBy=state subtotals=true> 
 	<Column id=state/> 
	<Column id=category totalAgg=""/> 
	<Column id=item totalAgg=""/> 
	<Column id=orders/> 
	<Column id=sales fmt=usd/> 
	<Column id=growth fmt=pct1/> 
State Category Item Orders Sales Growth
6 $77 8.2%
Arkansas Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 6 $77 8.2%
373 $14,666 10.1%
California Cursed Sporting Goods Running Shoes 105 $5,687 7.7%
California Odd Equipment Lamp 175 $5,853 0.7%
California Mysterious Apparel Vintage Jacket 93 $3,126 1.7%
District of Columbia
55 $1,810 2.7%
District of Columbia Odd Equipment Lamp 55 $1,810 2.7%
98 $288 7.3%
Florida Sinister Toys Baseball Card 98 $288 7.3%
43 $534 -11.1%
Georgia Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 28 $220 -3.7%
Georgia Cursed Sporting Goods Boxing Gloves 15 $314 -7.3%
26 $207 -8.4%
Illinois Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 26 $207 -8.4%
32 $1,051 9.8%
Indiana Odd Equipment Lamp 32 $1,051 9.8%
24 $799 -4.8%
Kansas Odd Equipment Lamp 24 $799 -4.8%
13 $166 2.4%
Louisiana Mysterious Apparel Necklace 13 $166 2.4%
25 $317 2.2%
Minnesota Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 25 $317 2.2%
30 $236 0.2%
Missouri Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 30 $236 0.2%
New Hampshire
2 $178 -3.7%
New Hampshire Cursed Sporting Goods Fishing Rod 2 $178 -3.7%
New York
57 $718 -4.2%
New York Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 57 $718 -4.2%
North Carolina
26 $869 9.9%
North Carolina Odd Equipment Lamp 26 $869 9.9%
24 $809 9.3%
Ohio Mysterious Apparel Vintage Jacket 24 $809 9.3%
67 $670 3.1%
Pennsylvania Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 39 $308 9.3%
Pennsylvania Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 28 $363 -6.2%
42 $1,926 8.7%
Tennessee Cursed Sporting Goods Fishing Rod 20 $1,753 8.6%
Tennessee Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 22 $172 0.1%
157 $8,808 11.9%
Texas Odd Equipment Microscope 53 $7,495 5.7%
Texas Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 104 $1,313 6.2%
West Virginia
15 $45 -4.0%
West Virginia Sinister Toys Baseball Card 15 $45 -4.0%
No Results

Closed by Default

<DataTable data={orders} groupBy=state subtotals=true totalRow=true groupsOpen=false> 
 	<Column id=state totalAgg=countDistinct totalFmt='0 "states"'/> 
	<Column id=category totalAgg=countDistinct totalFmt='[=1]0 "category";0 "categories"'/> 
	<Column id=item  totalAgg=countDistinct totalFmt='[=1]0 "item";0 "items"'/> 
	<Column id=orders/> 
	<Column id=sales fmt=usd0k/> 
	<Column id=growth contentType=delta fmt=pct totalAgg=weightedMean weightCol=sales/> 
State Category Item Orders Sales Growth
1 category 1 item 6 $0k 8.20%
3 categories 3 items 373 $15k 3.63%
District of Columbia
1 category 1 item 55 $2k 2.71%
1 category 1 item 98 $0k 7.33%
2 categories 2 items 43 $1k -5.86%
1 category 1 item 26 $0k -8.44%
1 category 1 item 32 $1k 9.80%
1 category 1 item 24 $1k -4.79%
1 category 1 item 13 $0k 2.36%
1 category 1 item 25 $0k 2.18%
1 category 1 item 30 $0k 0.20%
New Hampshire
1 category 1 item 2 $0k -3.71%
New York
1 category 1 item 57 $1k -4.23%
North Carolina
1 category 1 item 26 $1k 9.90%
1 category 1 item 24 $1k 9.35%
2 categories 2 items 67 $1k 0.90%
2 categories 2 items 42 $2k 7.86%
2 categories 2 items 157 $9k 5.77%
West Virginia
1 category 1 item 15 $0k -4.00%
19 states 4 categories 10 items 1,115 $34k 4.17%
No Results

With Configured Columns

<DataTable data={orders} groupBy=category subtotals=true totalRow=true> 
 	<Column id=state totalAgg=countDistinct totalFmt='0 "states"'/> 
	<Column id=category totalAgg=Total/> 
	<Column id=item  totalAgg=countDistinct totalFmt='0 "items"'/> 
	<Column id=orders contentType=colorscale/> 
	<Column id=sales fmt=usd0k/> 
	<Column id=growth contentType=delta fmt=pct totalAgg=weightedMean weightCol=sales/> 
Category State Item Orders Sales Growth
Cursed Sporting Goods
4 states 3 items 142 $8k 7.02%
Cursed Sporting Goods California Running Shoes 105 $6k 7.66%
Cursed Sporting Goods Tennessee Fishing Rod 20 $2k 8.62%
Cursed Sporting Goods New Hampshire Fishing Rod 2 $0k -3.71%
Cursed Sporting Goods Georgia Boxing Gloves 15 $0k -7.34%
Mysterious Apparel
8 states 3 items 275 $5k 2.62%
Mysterious Apparel Georgia Mystic Pendant 28 $0k -3.74%
Mysterious Apparel Illinois Mystic Pendant 26 $0k -8.44%
Mysterious Apparel Pennsylvania Mystic Pendant 39 $0k 9.26%
Mysterious Apparel Tennessee Mystic Pendant 22 $0k 0.07%
Mysterious Apparel California Vintage Jacket 93 $3k 1.74%
Mysterious Apparel Louisiana Necklace 13 $0k 2.36%
Mysterious Apparel Ohio Vintage Jacket 24 $1k 9.35%
Mysterious Apparel Missouri Mystic Pendant 30 $0k 0.20%
Odd Equipment
6 states 2 items 365 $18k 3.74%
Odd Equipment Texas Microscope 53 $7k 5.69%
Odd Equipment California Lamp 175 $6k 0.73%
Odd Equipment Indiana Lamp 32 $1k 9.80%
Odd Equipment North Carolina Lamp 26 $1k 9.90%
Odd Equipment Kansas Lamp 24 $1k -4.79%
Odd Equipment District of Columbia Lamp 55 $2k 2.71%
Sinister Toys
7 states 2 items 333 $3k 1.96%
Sinister Toys Minnesota Model Racehorse 25 $0k 2.18%
Sinister Toys Florida Baseball Card 98 $0k 7.33%
Sinister Toys New York Model Racehorse 57 $1k -4.23%
Sinister Toys Arkansas Model Racehorse 6 $0k 8.20%
Sinister Toys Texas Model Racehorse 104 $1k 6.20%
Sinister Toys West Virginia Baseball Card 15 $0k -4.00%
Sinister Toys Pennsylvania Model Racehorse 28 $0k -6.20%
Total 19 states 10 items 1,115 $34k 4.17%
No Results

Groups - Section

Without subtotals

<DataTable data={orders} groupBy=state groupType=section/>
State Category Item Orders Sales Growth
Arkansas Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 6 77 0.0820
California Cursed Sporting Goods Running Shoes 105 5,687 0.0766
Odd Equipment Lamp 175 5,853 0.0073
Mysterious Apparel Vintage Jacket 93 3,126 0.0174
District of Columbia Odd Equipment Lamp 55 1,810 0.0271
Florida Sinister Toys Baseball Card 98 288 0.0733
Georgia Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 28 220 -0.0374
Cursed Sporting Goods Boxing Gloves 15 314 -0.0734
Illinois Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 26 207 -0.0844
Indiana Odd Equipment Lamp 32 1,051 0.0980
Kansas Odd Equipment Lamp 24 799 -0.0479
Louisiana Mysterious Apparel Necklace 13 166 0.0236
Minnesota Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 25 317 0.0218
Missouri Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 30 236 0.0020
New Hampshire Cursed Sporting Goods Fishing Rod 2 178 -0.0371
New York Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 57 718 -0.0423
North Carolina Odd Equipment Lamp 26 869 0.0990
Ohio Mysterious Apparel Vintage Jacket 24 809 0.0935
Pennsylvania Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 39 308 0.0926
Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 28 363 -0.0620
Tennessee Cursed Sporting Goods Fishing Rod 20 1,753 0.0862
Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 22 172 0.0007
Texas Odd Equipment Microscope 53 7,495 0.0569
Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 104 1,313 0.0620
West Virginia Sinister Toys Baseball Card 15 45 -0.0400
No Results

With Subtotals

<DataTable data={orders} groupBy=state subtotals=true groupType=section>
 	<Column id=state totalAgg=countDistinct totalFmt='[=1]0 "state";0 "states"'/> 
	<Column id=category totalAgg=Total/> 
	<Column id=item  totalAgg=countDistinct totalFmt='0 "items"'/> 
	<Column id=orders/> 
	<Column id=sales fmt=usd1k/> 
	<Column id=growth contentType=delta neutralMin=-0.02 neutralMax=0.02 fmt=pct1 totalAgg=weightedMean weightCol=sales /> 
State Category Item Orders Sales Growth
Arkansas Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 6 $0.1k 8.2%
Arkansas Total 1 items 6 $0.1k 8.2%
California Cursed Sporting Goods Running Shoes 105 $5.7k 7.7%
Odd Equipment Lamp 175 $5.9k 0.7% – 
Mysterious Apparel Vintage Jacket 93 $3.1k 1.7% – 
California Total 3 items 373 $14.7k 3.6%
District of Columbia Odd Equipment Lamp 55 $1.8k 2.7%
District of Columbia Total 1 items 55 $1.8k 2.7%
Florida Sinister Toys Baseball Card 98 $0.3k 7.3%
Florida Total 1 items 98 $0.3k 7.3%
Georgia Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 28 $0.2k -3.7%
Cursed Sporting Goods Boxing Gloves 15 $0.3k -7.3%
Georgia Total 2 items 43 $0.5k -5.9%
Illinois Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 26 $0.2k -8.4%
Illinois Total 1 items 26 $0.2k -8.4%
Indiana Odd Equipment Lamp 32 $1.1k 9.8%
Indiana Total 1 items 32 $1.1k 9.8%
Kansas Odd Equipment Lamp 24 $0.8k -4.8%
Kansas Total 1 items 24 $0.8k -4.8%
Louisiana Mysterious Apparel Necklace 13 $0.2k 2.4%
Louisiana Total 1 items 13 $0.2k 2.4%
Minnesota Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 25 $0.3k 2.2%
Minnesota Total 1 items 25 $0.3k 2.2%
Missouri Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 30 $0.2k 0.2% – 
Missouri Total 1 items 30 $0.2k 0.2% – 
New Hampshire Cursed Sporting Goods Fishing Rod 2 $0.2k -3.7%
New Hampshire Total 1 items 2 $0.2k -3.7%
New York Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 57 $0.7k -4.2%
New York Total 1 items 57 $0.7k -4.2%
North Carolina Odd Equipment Lamp 26 $0.9k 9.9%
North Carolina Total 1 items 26 $0.9k 9.9%
Ohio Mysterious Apparel Vintage Jacket 24 $0.8k 9.3%
Ohio Total 1 items 24 $0.8k 9.3%
Pennsylvania Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 39 $0.3k 9.3%
Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 28 $0.4k -6.2%
Pennsylvania Total 2 items 67 $0.7k 0.9% – 
Tennessee Cursed Sporting Goods Fishing Rod 20 $1.8k 8.6%
Mysterious Apparel Mystic Pendant 22 $0.2k 0.1% – 
Tennessee Total 2 items 42 $1.9k 7.9%
Texas Odd Equipment Microscope 53 $7.5k 5.7%
Sinister Toys Model Racehorse 104 $1.3k 6.2%
Texas Total 2 items 157 $8.8k 5.8%
West Virginia Sinister Toys Baseball Card 15 $0.0k -4.0%
West Virginia Total 1 items 15 $0.0k -4.0%
No Results

With Configured Columns

<DataTable data={orders} groupBy=category groupType=section subtotals=true totalRow=true totalRowColor=#fff0cc> 
 	<Column id=state totalAgg=countDistinct totalFmt='[=1]0 "state";0 "states"'/> 
	<Column id=category totalAgg=Total/> 
	<Column id=item  totalAgg=countDistinct totalFmt='0 "items"'/> 
	<Column id=orders contentType=colorscale/> 
	<Column id=sales fmt=usd1k/> 
	<Column id=growth contentType=delta neutralMin=-0.02 neutralMax=0.02 fmt=pct1 totalAgg=weightedMean weightCol=sales /> 
Category State Item Orders Sales Growth
Cursed Sporting Goods California Running Shoes 105 $5.7k 7.7%
Tennessee Fishing Rod 20 $1.8k 8.6%
New Hampshire Fishing Rod 2 $0.2k -3.7%
Georgia Boxing Gloves 15 $0.3k -7.3%
Cursed Sporting Goods 4 states 3 items 142 $7.9k 7.0%
Mysterious Apparel Georgia Mystic Pendant 28 $0.2k -3.7%
Illinois Mystic Pendant 26 $0.2k -8.4%
Pennsylvania Mystic Pendant 39 $0.3k 9.3%
Tennessee Mystic Pendant 22 $0.2k 0.1% – 
California Vintage Jacket 93 $3.1k 1.7% – 
Louisiana Necklace 13 $0.2k 2.4%
Ohio Vintage Jacket 24 $0.8k 9.3%
Missouri Mystic Pendant 30 $0.2k 0.2% – 
Mysterious Apparel 8 states 3 items 275 $5.2k 2.6%
Odd Equipment Texas Microscope 53 $7.5k 5.7%
California Lamp 175 $5.9k 0.7% – 
Indiana Lamp 32 $1.1k 9.8%
North Carolina Lamp 26 $0.9k 9.9%
Kansas Lamp 24 $0.8k -4.8%
District of Columbia Lamp 55 $1.8k 2.7%
Odd Equipment 6 states 2 items 365 $17.9k 3.7%
Sinister Toys Minnesota Model Racehorse 25 $0.3k 2.2%
Florida Baseball Card 98 $0.3k 7.3%
New York Model Racehorse 57 $0.7k -4.2%
Arkansas Model Racehorse 6 $0.1k 8.2%
Texas Model Racehorse 104 $1.3k 6.2%
West Virginia Baseball Card 15 $0.0k -4.0%
Pennsylvania Model Racehorse 28 $0.4k -6.2%
Sinister Toys 7 states 2 items 333 $3.1k 2.0% – 
Total 19 states 10 items 1,115 $34.2k 4.2%
No Results

Column Groups

<DataTable data={countries} totalRow=true rows=5 wrapTitles groupBy=continent groupType=section totalRowColor=#f2f2f2>
  <Column id=continent totalAgg="Total" totalFmt='# "Unique continents"'/>
  <Column id=country totalAgg=countDistinct totalFmt='0 "countries"'/>
  <Column id=gdp_usd totalAgg=sum fmt='$#,##0"B"' totalFmt='$#,##0.0,"T"' colGroup="GDP"/>
  <Column id=gdp_growth totalAgg=weightedMean weightCol=gdp_usd fmt='pct1' colGroup="GDP" contentType=delta/>
  <Column id=jobless_rate totalAgg=weightedMean weightCol=gdp_usd fmt='pct1' contentType=colorscale scaleColor=red colGroup="Labour Market"/>
  <Column id=population totalAgg=sum fmt='#,##0"M"' totalFmt='#,##0.0,"B"' colGroup="Labour Market"/>
  <Column id=interest_rate totalAgg=weightedMean weightCol=gdp_usd fmt='pct2' wrapTitle=false colGroup="Other"/>
  <Column id=inflation_rate totalAgg=weightedMean weightCol=gdp_usd fmt='pct2' colGroup="Other"/>
  <Column id=gov_budget totalAgg=weightedMean weightCol=gdp_usd fmt='0.0"%"' contentType=delta colGroup="Other"/>
  <Column id=current_account totalAgg=weightedMean weightCol=gdp_usd fmt='0.0"%"' colGroup="Other"/>
Labour Market
Continent Country GDP Usd GDP Growth Jobless Rate Population Interest Rate Inflation Rate Gov Budget Current Account
Asia South Korea $1,799B 2.9% 2.9% 52M 2.50% 5.70% -6.1% 3.5%
India $3,173B 13.5% 7.8% 1,380M 5.40% 6.71% -9.4% -1.7%
Japan $4,937B 0.2% 2.6% 125M -0.10% 2.60% -12.6% 3.2%
China $17,734B 0.4% 5.4% 1,413M 3.65% 2.70% -3.7% 1.8%
Europe Russia $1,776B -4.0% 3.9% 146M 8.00% 15.10% 0.8% 6.8%
Italy $2,100B 4.7% 7.9% 59M 0.50% 8.40% -7.2% 2.5%
France $2,937B 4.2% 7.4% 68M 0.50% 5.80% -6.5% 0.4%
United Kingdom $3,187B 2.9% 3.8% 68M 1.75% 10.10% -6.0% -2.6%
Germany $4,223B 1.7% 5.5% 83M 0.50% 7.90% -3.7% 7.4%
North America United States $22,996B 1.7% 3.7% 332M 2.50% 8.50% -16.7% -3.6%
Canada $1,991B 2.9% 4.9% 38M 2.50% 7.60% -4.7% 0.1%
South America Brazil $1,609B 3.2% 9.1% 213M 13.75% 10.07% -4.5% -1.8%
Total 12 countries $68.5T 2.0% 4.8% 4.0B 2.85% 6.52% -9.3% 0.1%
No Results

Wrap Titles

<DataTable data={countries} wrapTitles=true /> 
Country Continent GDP Usd GDP Growth Interest Rate Inflation Rate Jobless Rate Gov Budget Debt To GDP Current Account Population
United States North America $22,996 0.0170 0.0250 0.0850 0.0370 -17 137.2 -3.60 332
Brazil South America $1,609 0.0320 0.1375 0.1007 0.0910 -5 80.3 -1.80 213
Russia Europe $1,776 -0.0400 0.0800 0.1510 0.0390 1 18.2 6.80 146
South Korea Asia $1,799 0.0290 0.0250 0.0570 0.0290 -6 42.6 3.50 52
Canada North America $1,991 0.0290 0.0250 0.0760 0.0490 -5 117.8 0.10 38
Italy Europe $2,100 0.0470 0.0050 0.0840 0.0790 -7 150.8 2.50 59
France Europe $2,937 0.0420 0.0050 0.0580 0.0740 -7 112.9 0.40 68
India Asia $3,173 0.1350 0.0540 0.0671 0.0780 -9 74.0 -1.70 1,380
United Kingdom Europe $3,187 0.0290 0.0175 0.1010 0.0380 -6 95.9 -2.60 68
Germany Europe $4,223 0.0170 0.0050 0.0790 0.0550 -4 69.3 7.40 83
No Results




Query name, wrapped in curly braces

query name

Number of rows to show in the table before paginating results. Use rows=all to show all rows in the table.

number | all

Background color of the header row

Hex color code | css color name

Font color of the header row

Hex color code | css color name

Show a total row at the bottom of the table, defaults to sum of all numeric columns


Background color of the total row

Hex color code | css color name

Font color of the total row

Hex color code | css color name

Turns on or off row index numbers


Turns on or off borders at the bottom of each row


Shades every second row in light grey


Background color of the table

Hex color code | css color name

Enable sort for each column - click the column title to sort


Enable download data button below the table on hover


Enable auto-formatting of column titles. Turn off to show raw SQL column names


Wrap column titles


Enable a more compact table view that allows more content vertically and horizontally


Whether to show the column supplied to the link prop


Helper for writing DataTable syntax with many columns. When set to true, markdown for the DataTable including each Column contained within the query will be generated and displayed below the table.


Sets behaviour for empty datasets. Can throw an error, a warning, or allow empty. When set to 'error', empty datasets will block builds in build:strict. Note this only applies to initial page load - empty datasets caused by input component changes (dropdowns, etc.) are allowed.


Text to display when an empty dataset is received - only applies when emptySet is 'warn' or 'pass', or when the empty dataset is a result of an input component change (dropdowns, etc.).

No records


Groups allow you to create sections within your table, increasing the density of the content you're displaying. Groups are currently limited to 1 level, but will be expanded in future versions.

Column to use to create groups. Note that groups are currently limited to a single group column.

column name

How the groups are shown in the table. Can be accordion (expand/collapse) or section (group column values are merged across rows)


Whether to show aggregated totals for the groups


Specify an override format to use in the subtotal row (see available formats). Custom strings or values are unformatted by default.

Excel-style format | built-in format | custom format

[groupType=accordion] Whether to show the accordions as open on page load


[groupType=accordion] Background color for the accordion row

Hex color code | css color name

[groupType=section] Background color for the subtotal row

Hex color code | css color name

[groupType=section] Font color for the subtotal row

Hex color code | css color name

[groupType=section] Where the group label will appear in its cell



Use the Column component to choose specific columns to display in your table, and to apply options to specific columns. If you don't supply any columns to the table, it will display all columns from your query result.



Column id (from SQL query)

column name

Override title of column

column name (formatted)

Align column text


Format the values in the column (see available formats)

Excel-style format | built-in format | custom format

Column to use to format values in this column. This is used to achieve different value formats by row. The fmtColumn should contain strings of format codes - either Evidence built-in formats or Excel codes.

column name

Specify an aggregation function to use for the total row. Accepts predefined functions, custom strings or values


Specify an override format to use in the total row (see available formats). Custom strings or values are unformatted by default.

Excel-style format | built-in format | custom format

Column to use as the weight values for weighted mean aggregation. If not specified, a weight of 1 for each value will be used and the result will be the same as the mean aggregation.

column name

Wrap column text


Wrap column title


Lets you specify how to treat the content within a column. See below for contentType-specific options.

Group name to display above a group of columns. Columns with the same group name will get a shared header above them


Conditionally sets the font color to red based on whether the selected value is less than 0




Height of image in pixels

original height of image

Width of image in pixels

original width of image

Alt text for image

column name
Name of the image file (excluding the file extension)


Text to display for link

column name | string
raw url

Whether to open link in new tab




Whether to show the up/down delta arrow symbol


If present, negative comparison values appear in green, and positive values appear in red.


Whether to show the delta value. Set this to false to show only the delta arrow indicator.


Start of the range for 'neutral' values, which appear in grey font with a dash instead of an up/down arrow. By default, neutral is not applied to any values.


End of the range for 'neutral' values, which appear in grey font with a dash instead of an up/down arrow. By default, neutral is not applied to any values.


Whether to display the delta as a 'chip', with a background color and border.


Conditional Formatting (Color Scales)


Color to use for the scale


Set a minimum for the scale. Any values below that minimum will appear in the lowest color on the scale

min of column

Set a midpoint for the scale

mid of column

Set a maximum for the scale. Any values above that maximum will appear in the highest color on the scale

max of column

Array of numbers to use as breakpoints for each color in your color scale. Should line up with the colors you provide in scaleColor

array of numbers

Column to use to define the color scale range. Values in this column will have their cell color determined by the value in the scaleColumn

column name



To apply styling to HTML tags, you will need to add the class=markdown attribute to the HTML tag in your column. This will apply the same styling as the markdown renderer. E.g., <code class=markdown>Code</code>